Strong Line

Strong Line

Anchoriv standard brackets are manufactured in standard lengths: 90 – 120 – 150 – 180 mm. Brackets have been developed to be installed on concrete, steel or wood. The extreme flexibility and simplicity during the installation, satisfies every architectural need.

Staffe linea strong

60 mm brackets

“L” shape bracket produced by aluminium extrusion, 60 mm height. Element ready to be combined with Thermostop.

Technical sheet

110 mm brackets

“L” shape bracket produced by aluminium extrusion, 110 mm height. Element ready to be combined with Thermostop.

Technical sheet

160 mm brackets

“L” shape bracket produced by aluminium extrusion, 160 mm height. Element ready to be combined with Thermostop.

Technical sheet

220 mm brackets

“L” shape bracket produced by aluminium extrusion, 220 mm height. Element ready to be combined with Thermostop.

Technical sheet

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Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any further question.

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